Have You Paid Your Dues?

Below are notes to a sermon preached Sunday morning, Dec. 3, 2000, at Gospel Light Baptist Church, Albany, Georgia. 


By Michael D. O’Neal                  Pastor, Gospel Light Baptist Church          Albany, Georgia

Scripture Reading: Romans 13:1-9

Text: Romans 13:7

Romans 13:7 Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.

Introduction: Many organizations require dues of their members. The local church doesn’t require dues; its needs are met through the voluntary tithes and offerings of God’s people.

Another thought expressed in this passage is, “Pay what you owe.” We all know that we should pay our bills. However, sometimes we lay them aside and forget to pay them. Our creditor then sends us a letter that is called a “Friendly Reminder.”

Consider this message as a “Friendly Reminder” to pay your dues.

Here are some debts that you may have neglected paying:


1 Chronicles 16:29 Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name: bring an offering, and come before him: worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.

A. Admiration

  • 1. “the glory due unto his name:”
  • 2. The angel of the Lord slew Herod for not giving God glory – Acts 12:23.
  • 3. God said He would not give His glory to another – Isa. 42:8.

B. Assets

  • 1. “bring an offering”
  • 2. God actually owns EVERYTHING, and He allows us to be stewards, overseeing a small amount of it.
  • 3. The TITHE, however, 10 percent of our gross income, belongs to the Lord in a special way – Lev. 27:30.
  • 4. You owe GOD before you owe your country(taxes), your employer (overtime), Sears, the loan company, or your FAMILY. Pay Him HIS first!

C. Attention

  • 1. “and come before him:”
  • 2. In church, listen to Him. Train your children to come to church, sit in their seats, and be STILL.
  • 3. In private, spend time alone with the Lord, in prayer, in meditation, and in study.

D. Adoration

  • 1. “worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.”
  • 2. Love Him!
  • 3. Praise Him!
  • 4. Sing praises to and of Him!


1 Corinthians 7:3 Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband.

A. Your thoughtfulness

  • 1. Remember days that are special to your spouse.
  • 2. Remember people who are special to your spouse.
  • 3. Remember to be thoughtful “for no reason.”

The first morning after the honeymoon, the husband got up early, went down to the kitchen, and brought his wife her breakfast in bed. Naturally, she was delighted.

Then he spoke: “Have you noticed just what I have done?”

“Of course, dear. Every single detail!”

“Good. That’s how I want my breakfast served every morning.”

B. Your tenderness

  • 1. Give your spouse tenderness of mind. Honor and respect your spouse.
  • 2. Give your spouse tenderness of muscle. No man should EVER raise his hand against his wife.
  • 3. Give your spouse tenderness of mouth. A wife should not backtalk, nag, correct, or criticize her husband.

C. Your time

  • 1. Time with your spouse is more important than time you spend on your job.
  • 2. Take time for recreation.
  • 3. Take time for vacation.
  • 4. Take time for communication.

D. Your task

  • 1. The main task of the husband is to love his wife as Christ loved the church – Eph. 5:25.
  • 2. This love should be sacrificial, shown, spoken, and steadfast.
  • 3. The main task of the wife is to submit herself unto her own husband, as unto the Lord – Eph. 5:23-24.


1 Peter 5:1-3 The elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an elder, and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed: 2 Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; 3 Neither as being lords over God’s heritage, but being ensamples to the flock.

A. Pasture

  • 1. “… Feed the flock …”
  • 2. A pure pasture – KJV
  • 3. A prepared pasture – sermons and lessons watered with tears and worked with prayer and study.

B. Protection

  • 1. “… taking the oversight …”
  • 2. Protection from wolves and dogs.
  • 3. Protection from walking into a ditch.

C. A pattern

    • 1. “… being ensamples to the flock.”
    • 2. They should see the pastor live for the Lord and, by following him, be able to
      • a. know what he knows
      • b. go where he goes
      • c. glow as he glows
      • d. grow as he grows


The word, “pastor,” is a term that refers to the shepherd over a flock. The term, “elder,” refers to the gravity, maturity, and seniority of his office.

1 Timothy 5:17 Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine.

A. Support

      • 1. He is due financial support.
      • 2. He is due moral support.
      • 3. He is due prayer support.
      • 4. He is due participation support.
      • 5. When your pastor announces a church service of any kind, EVERY member should be present.
      • 6. When he announces there will be a Men and Boys Fellowship, every man and boy in the church should “break his neck” if he has to, in order to attend.

B. Submission

      • 1. Hebrews 13:17 Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.
      • 2. Hebrews 13:7 Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation.
      • 3. Do it willingly, cheerfully. This week I have approached all of our Sunday School class teachers about major changes in our Sunday School in 2001, and every one of them were VERY cooperative.
      • 4. Follow his faith. If the children of Israel had followed Moses, they would have gone right into the Promised Land. Instead, they rebelled, and they spent 40 years wandering in the wilderness.

Have you paid your dues?

    • … to the Savior?
    • … to your spouse?
    • … (from the pastor) to the sheep?
    • … to the shepherd?
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